Arts Review
The Thrill of Love

The Thrill of Love by Amanda Whittington, presented by the Centenary Theatre Group (CTG)
Chelmer Community Theatre, Brisbane
20th July to 11th August, 2024
Dr Gemma Regan
An intriguing and evocative production by the CTG examining the notion of justice served.
“The truth: rarely pure, never simple. Well, not on her side of town. She might catch its eye in a shop-front, then turn up her collar, walk on,” Ruth Ellis in The Thrill of Love.
The Centenary Theatre Group’s production of The Thrill of Love is an intriguing crime drama of the life and death of Ruth Ellis, the last woman to be hanged in the United Kingdom in 1955 for the murder of her abusive lover, David Blakely.
It was commissioned by the New Vic Theatre, Newcastle-under-Lyme in 2013 and written by Amanda Whittington, one of the most widely-produced playwrights in the UK. Many plays and dramas have touched on the case but Whittington’s play highlights the complexities of the motivation to murder and the notion of justice served through corporal punishment.
On arrival at the Chelmer Community Theatre foyer, the audience is met by a life-sized model of Ruth hanging on a gibbet whilst they grab a drink or a mulled wine from the bar. This unexpected attention to detail is part of the unique and dramatic flair of the CTG experience!
Detective Inspector Gale, played adroitly by Isaac Gibbs, provides the narrative through his astute interviews with Ruth (Shelby Renton-McCarthy) and her salubrious associates. Ruth is a hostess in a ‘gentlemen’s club’ in London’s West End and dreams of becoming a movie star after appearing in a minor film. Unfortunately, her emotional involvement with abusive men, even during her second marriage, culminates in her committing cold-blooded murder.
After a dramatic beginning, D.I.Gale describes detection as a science and art, and he expresses his desire for the thrill of the chase. His interviews with each of the characters become more personal as the web of lies and the abuse of Ruth by her lover is revealed, culminating in his murder.
Renton-McCarthy is fabulous as the blonde bombshell who, despite her hard-nosed approach to prostitution, falls victim to a manipulative and abusive racing driver and alcoholic. She is supported emotionally by the madame Sylvia Shaw (Hannah Davis) and the naive Doris (Genevieve Whittred).
British-born Davis uses her English accent effectively as the ’Ave seen it all madam of the club. Her brassy style complements her char girl Doris, who cleans and lends her immature advice and support to the escorts, including newbie escort Vicky (Annie Filton).
All five of the cast are excellent in portraying the compelling story of Ruth Ellis and her motivation to shoot her lover point-blank five times in the street with a .38 calibre Smith & Wesson revolver. It was later revealed to have been given to her by her husband, Desmond Cussen who had driven her to the scene of the crime!
The set is well designed by Director Ashleigh Cates and William McCreery-Rye, with two levels and four distinct locations, adding an effective context to the haunting narrative.
The CTG’s intriguing and enigmatic production of The Thrill of Love is another "must see" show, performed with the skill and compassion of a professional production company. It leaves you questioning the flaws in the British judicial system resulting in an unnecessary death sentence due to the "medieval savagery of the law".