Feeding Fauna Album Launch Show!

Come along to a party in a basement, Jonny Ruddy is going to do a set and the most amazing DJs, Frances McBean, Aligator and Sam|Simon are playing records upstaris. Dancing is inevitable. Feeling Fauna  spends a bit of time late at night in a wooden cottage with the windows closed, cords and leads in a winding web across the floor, headphones on. The quiet hours. Tinkering with leads and chords in relative silence but for some seeming acapella outbursts or mumbling drones. My son sleeps through it all, mostly. Lately it’s been this bunch of tunes lined up shoulder-to-shoulder, looking left and right to each other. A merit team announcement. My first solo record. Feeling Fauna wrote these songs after returning from a creative Fellowship that took me to Berlin. I went over there with 16 Lovers Lane in my head and had my heart blown out by a San Francisco garage band who I watched from side of stage at a festival in a tiny French port village. These songs didn’t have a home with the band I was in and dearly loved. So I started a new one. Back in Australia, with Vinnie Laduce in his Byron Bay studio, we began to document Feeding Fauna. Pieced together / a song a day / a day at a time / a bucket of months. Here it is. N is for Then. Come to the party. It will be fun.