The Lobster Trick

eclector GonZZZo


2:00 AM - 6:00 AM

Upsetting algorithims with noises, and sounds from enclaves and far flung places.

30 April, 2024

Eksos_ag 02:00:00
Hybrid NightmaresDrink of the WatersAUS 02:06:33
Nicholas Cage FighterWeeping SoresAUS 02:11:44
IllusionaryEndLOCAL 02:15:41
Symphony of PutresenceCold Winds of SolitudeLOCAL 02:19:30
ValtozashOncologyLOCAL 02:30:50
AsuraWe Are LegionAUS 02:37:46
Slaves of DissonanceBreatheLOCAL 02:41:30
Rimmy GlasaCliqueLOCAL 02:46:53
Awful NoiseMassive Passive AggressiveAUS 02:54:27
DistortionVisions of DeceitAUS 02:55:53
Total BuzzkillThe MatriarchLOCAL 03:00:50
NeuroticistUnder The FloodLOCAL 03:04:38
KimuraHangmanAUS 03:08:02
Küntsquäd XhristAUS 03:12:12
Electric BathEncaved/Rotten 03:15:03
MuroFantasia del Progreso 03:18:32
AkubandkamuBantulah Aku Untuk Terkenal 03:20:46
RepressionEradicated 03:21:46
Resin TombFlesh BrickLOCAL 03:23:54
CicatriceBastard State 03:30:39
WarthogFour Walls
WarthogTerestrial Progress
WarthogDigital Tumor
Hag LandscapeThe Hanging Man 03:47:05
PermanentRaposa 03:52:31
LeshiBattlefield Hymn Before the Sky Burial 03:59:39
Zle OkoZlo Oroslo 04:10:10
SapirwhorfPath of Green 04:13:44
Black AstyrSanguinis 04:16:08
Priorזא ל װא ס אי ך װ_י_נ_ט_ש ן א_ו_י ף א_י_ם 04:18:32
Kelli Francis CoradoHome In The Key of F 04:26:20
Negative OhioStop Apartheid 04:31:19
Melissa Violette Aliz11-2022 In D# Minor 04:34:47
Erik Griswold, Chloe Kim & Helen SvobodaHeart StringsLOCAL 04:47:37
CooNeed All ThingsLOCAL 04:53:17
Samuel Mitchell (composed by Madeleine Cocolas)On A Gated ThoughtLOCAL 04:57:09
The ScrapesWindwardLOCAL 05:04:07
e fishpoolDRUM SONGAUS 05:22:45
TelvaSensations 05:30:42
Alexandra MisonRuminationLOCAL 05:36:25
Adele MedeHorl'avinaAUS 05:41:24
DionysusStained Glass WindowAUS 05:44:47
dorisi want to growAUS 05:48:14
Cuckoo CocoWet PaintLOCAL 05:54:04