Movie Review

Sex Friends: Is It Possible?

Their relationship begins awkwardly, when a young Adam asks young Emma "Can I finger you?". Since politely saying “No”, their paths have barely crossed, although Emma did manage to drag Adam along to “some stupid thing” – aka her father’s funeral. After the wake, she tells Adam to not contact her again. But alas they meet again a year later, this time after Adam finds out his ex-girlfriend is now sleeping with his father. Out on an insanely drunken bender, Adam eventually calls Emma who comes to his rescue, only to have him wave his penis at her before passing out. A remorseful Adam wakes to discover what happened but a charming Emma laughingly brushes it aside saying "It looked kinda... carefree". From there, they have a quickie, which leads to another and another and another... But Emma is reluctant to commit to a real relationship, hence the sex buddies relationship is born.

We’ve not heard from Natalie for a few years now, but she’s decided to come back to our screens with a vengeance and slap us in the face with not one, but three movies all at once. After watching the brilliant masterpiece that is Black Swan, you’d think never in her right mind would she come back to you with a rom-com. But she has, and with the king of rom-coms Ashton Kutcher of all people. Natalie does seem a little out of her element trying to bring out the comedienne inside of her, but she doesn’t actually do that bad a job, clearly revelling in the fact she’s able to let her hair down.

Considering there are probably 50 other Hollywood movies about the exact same thing, No Strings Attached is quite an entertaining movie. The jokes are more witty and intelligent and there are actually more than a few laugh out loud moments – the best of all being the ‘Period Mix’ Adam makes Emma containing such hits as Leona Lewis’ ‘Bleeding Love’ and Frank Sinatra’s ‘I’ve Got the World on a String’.

It’s pretty obvious as to how the movie is going to end, but there are a few moments that shake up the generic formula of a rom-com. It’s also interesting to see the movie isn’t filled with beautiful Hollywood starlets. Of course, there’s Natalie and Ashton, but some of the supporting characters have their own hang-ups and lumps and bumps making it more of a realistic scenario. As realistic as the clichéd story can be of course. And for a movie all about sex, there is a surprising lack of it...


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